Reading tracker for Kindle, Web, and X | BookNotion
Reading record app that allows you to easily save your Kindle, Web and X highlights.

Image of use (video)
⚙️ Notion Integration Setup
Integration setup is required to save highlights in Notion. Please follow the steps below to complete the setup.
⚙️ How to set up multiple devices
By upgrading to Pro Plan or Premium Plan, you can store highlights in the same database from your iPhone and iPad.
🔓 How to bypass Kindle’s copy limit
Kindle sometimes imposes copy restrictions on authors; if you are using BookNotion and are caught by the copy restrictions, please follow the instructions below to save your work.
Is the app free to use?
BookNotion is available for free. There is also a plan that allows you to save highlights from multiple books within a month, save unlimited highlights from web and X, synchronize the same database across multiple devices such as iPhone and iPad, and flexibly change the frequency of email delivery for saved highlights. Please see "BookNotion Plans" for details.
Can I move a database automatically created by BookNotion?
Can I change the properties of a database automatically created by BookNotion?
You may change the order of the properties, but do not rename or delete them.
When I try to share on the Kindle app, I get an error message "The copy limit for this book has been exceeded", is this a glitch with BookNotion?
This is not a BookNotion bug; the Kindle app sometimes has a copy limit set by the author, and once the limit is reached, you will not be able to copy or share the book, not only with BookNotion. If you are caught by the copy limit, please check "How to bypass Kindle's copy limit".
BookNotion does not show up when I share on the Kindle app.
Please select "Text Quote" and click Share. If you select "Image Quote", BookNotion will not be displayed.
Can I save my Kindle highlights to the same database from my iPhone and iPad?
This can be done by upgrading your plan and setting the ID of the database created from BookNotion on both devices. Please see "BookNotion Plans" and "How to link multiple devices" for details.
Is there an Android version of the app?
Sorry, we do not have an Android version of the app at this time.